Tuesday, February 21, 2006


唉,很讨厌在布宫里留下这样无聊的文字,以后叫我怎样面对乡村父老,但真的很想写幸福啦。好吧,就写幸福吧! (开始蜡笔小新上身了)


Blogger 傑士 said...

nothings to write? then dont write lah :D ha ha ha ha. or maybe you can write about your hobbies loh. For me, I dont write always lah, but I write a lot about games loh :)

Take care!

February 27, 2006 4:43 PM  
Blogger Chloe said...

I tot I have! Once I started, then only I realize ...
I don't have much to write, really, I think sth must have gone wrong....

February 27, 2006 7:52 PM  
Blogger keensoon said...

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March 02, 2006 7:41 PM  
Blogger keensoon said...

It's a bit like me wanting to write a book. There's a lot of ideas gushing out but when I finally sit down to write a chapter, or heck even plan the table of contents - no juice comes out!

So that's how I ended up blogging. Partially triggered also due to some personal events. And also having a blog allows for random and minor events to be jotted down with minimum hassle, and yet there is some chronological continuity of events that occur in my life! (If you did that in a book, the person reading it would be totally confused.)

Overall, I guess it is up to the individual to write what he/she feel in the moment, and also use the opportunity to find a way to express what he/she feels. There is basically a lot of ways to show your individuality and creativity.

And also - for me my friends don't post much but when we talk or meetup they'll make references to things I have blogged. So there are ppl reading my stuff after all :D

So to sum up - there's nothing gone wrong la - continue on!

March 02, 2006 7:44 PM  

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