Thursday, August 10, 2006

About Them

There is a couple in my office. They are both PMs. Just bought a house in Klang/Puchong. Looks like they are getting married soon.
Why writing about them? I don't know.
I can't imagine being with someone 24 hrs a days.
They don't talk much. They didnt interact much - maybe only on IM.
I have no idea how is it like - both holding the same position, doing almost the same thing. Do they need to talk ? I mean, they know what's the other half doing. What to exchange?
Maybe I shouldn't question.


Blogger [SK] said...

我倒覺得人與人之間, 無論關係多親密, 始終都應該保持一定的距離.. 我是無法接受和一個人24小時共同生活, 彼此完全清楚了解各自的點滴.. 正如你說的, 這種關係完全透明乏味, 我會覺得是變成一種生活程序.. 純屬旁人觀點, 或許他們真的安于現狀, 很享受現在的生活模式吧?? 我們應該祝福他們..

August 11, 2006 10:53 AM  
Blogger 傑士 said...

Totally agree :) I always think each partner must have their own life cycle such as different working environment, different friends, etc. :)

dont know lah, maybe it is just my own personal comment...

August 11, 2006 1:20 PM  
Blogger [SK] said...

yaa.. very true.. we don't even have a partnet to let us try to do that.. hahahaha!!!

August 14, 2006 5:27 PM  

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